Sunday, May 10, 2009

Just some pictures of my back porch. Easier to show this way.

The Self Help store on base is a place where you can pick up lightbulbs, borrow mowers and tools, get water filter replacments and other things of that kind for free. Yesterday they gave away gardening supplies. They do it once each spring on a first come, first serve basis. They do limit the amount you can take total. But I figure I got about 200 dollars worth of stuff for nothing! Pretty nice eh?
The kids each got to pick one plant from the flowers I got. Brendan chose the daisies and Jenna chose the pansies.

It's hard to see, but here is a lilac shrub I got, I need to weed out the rest of that section and do something else with it, but I don't know what yet.

Here is the view from our back door.

Here is my little plot of personal space. I hope to add some interesting rocks and maybe a stone lantern. I'd love a water feature of some sort in there, but that might be a bit much for my landscaping skills. I wanted to do a rock garden, but I don't know how to do that AND keep the green look. There's some clover and moss and nice low cover growing in there that I like and want to keep.. also some regular grass I'd like to get rid of. But I'm not sure how to do that yet without killing the other stuff.

This is the rest of the patio, not much but there is room for the bench we built with Dad. It's currently in the living room, avoiding the weather.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful little space to make your own. We are looking forward to seeing your creation. Thanks for the blog - we love to see what you all are doing. Love, Aunt Teri